Saturday, September 12, 2009

Best Toy

Courtesy Breyer, Inc.

What was your favorite toy as a kid?

I loved horses, but we couldn't have a horse. I always asked for a horse, and sometimes received a plastic horse. They weren't always Breyer; they were whatever, and I loved them all. Thoroughbreds, Quarterhorses, Trigger (Roy Roger's horse - only Olds will know RR & Trigger), Appaloosas, Palominos - didn't matter. Loved 'em all. I kept a notebook with their names.

Unfortunately, most of the horses lost a leg or two as I played with them. Thank God I didn't have to put them down. I still have one horse with only 1 leg intact. My favorite.

We had lots of adventures. Anyone who can hook me up with horse models, I will be in your debt.

What was your toy of choice?

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